This could be the only recipe I give you that doesn’t have specific amounts but it is delicious anyway and is a great alternative to matzo brie or Passover Granola!
Matzo Farfel- no less than 1/2 cup but could be much more
Sugar- to taste. Start with 1/2 Tablespoon
Cinnamon-to taste.
Milk- to cover ingredients
Pinch of salt-optional
1. Place matzo farfel, sugar and cinnamon in a 1 quart saucepan.
2. Pour milk into pan to cover farfel.
3. Bring mixture to a simmer over medium- high heat stirring constantly until farfel softens and absorbs most of the milk.
Serve immediately or let sit for a minute or so to absorb more milk.
NOTE: You can add dried fruit or almonds to the mix if you like.
NOTE: If you choose to use less liquid and you let it sit for awhile it will be very firm and dry.