Dear Friends,
This year we can add a new plague to our Seder. The Coronavirus is affecting every one of us regardless of whether we have been afflicted with the illness. Many of you are wondering what to do about your Seders. Many are having virtual Seders with friends and many are planning to coordinate a meal without having to venture to the supermarket 5 times. These are difficult times but we will get through it with love and perseverance. Take a look at my recipes and peruse the internet some more to find ways to celebrate the holiday without making a 15-pound brisket or tzimmes for an army. Many recipes can be flavorful and use ground meat instead of large pieces of lamb or beef. This year I will forego my 16-pound Turducken for a roasted chicken for two. Think outside of the box. How many of your favorite year-round recipes are good for Passover? Explore my site and have fun. Remember, once the parsley is dipped in saltwater you can have a little nosh on the table to get you past Rabbi Tarfon, the plagues, and Hillel sandwich before the chicken soup arrives. Try the Persian Cauliflower Kuku recipe. It is a good nosh, a great side dish or even a great lunch with a salad.
Have a Siesen Pesach!

The Interactive digital version of ENTREE TO JUDAISM FOR FAMILIES can be downloaded to a tablet for hours of fun while learning about Jewish traditions and history long after the Seder is over.