- Tina Wasserman - https://cookingandmore.com -

Yom Kippur: Breakfast Made Easier

[1]Cooking holiday meals for a large crowd requires the cook to be a master juggler. Coordinating traditional dishes with family favorites and those new recipes you’re just “dying to try” is a daunting task. Thanksgiving, Christmas or wedding meals require crucial timing to accommodate any preceding football game or service. The Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur really tests the cook’s creativity. Planning a menu that can be placed on the table in twenty minutes is the challenge.

The situation, however, can work to your advantage. You’ve never seen so many people eager to help serve a meal as you do at a Break Fast. The holiday meal is easy to execute if you use recipes that can be prepared in advance. Planning your menu around foods that you have previously cooked allows you the creativity and satisfaction of cooking for friends without the last minute stress.

  1. [Image]: https://cookingandmore.com/yom-kippur-breakfast-made-easier/star-challah-2/