I have been trying to create some new recipes for Passover. Some have come out well, like the Swedish Jelly Roll with Lingonberry jam (or raspberry, if you prefer), and others have gone almost directly into the trash! I have tried hard to make a Baklava with Matzo instead of phyllo dough. Either the matzos are too crisp to cut, ( in which case, I chopped the entire mixture and layered it in between layers of ice cream and froze it into a loaf-YUM!), or I soaked the matzos in milk before layering with the nut mixture and the milk diluted the syrup which was meant to bind the nuts and matzo. The entire mixture went into the trash!
But as much as I like creating new recipes for my family and you, my readers, I am reminded that so much of Passover is bound to memory. We couldn’t have Passover without Mom’s chicken soup or Easy Brisket or my Passover Granola (which causes a run on Farfel at our local supermarket!) Our families expect certain dishes that are heavily seasoned with memory.
So, pace yourselves as you plan, shop and cook your menu for a bazillion people. Think of the satisfaction you get from bringing memories into your kitchen and the joy you have when a new recipe is delicious and doesn’t wind up in the trash!!!
Eat in Good Health and have a Zissen Pesach!