- Tina Wasserman - https://cookingandmore.com -

Membrillo with Manchego Cheese

[1]Appetizers don’t come much easier than this. This is the classic Spanish pairing of sweet Membrillo, a thick paste made from cooked quince, and nutty Manchego cheese. Both ingredients are more available in stores for you to purchase but any thick, fruit-based gel can be used with a firm, slightly nutty cheese. Enjoy!


Preparation Instructions

  1. Wet a sharp knife and cut the paste into ¼ inch slices.
  2. Cut the slices into rectangles, or diamond shapes. You may also use small cookie cutters to make little flowers out of the membrillo.
  3. Cut the manchego cheese into slices and then cut the slices into squares or rectangles small enough to fit o­n a cracker.
  4. Place the cheese o­n the cracker and then place the membrillo o­n top of the cheese. That’s it! Makes 2 – 3 dozen appetizers depending o­n how thick you make the slices.
  1. [Image]: https://cookingandmore.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/manchego-and-membrillo.jpg