Yes, this fritter is fried in oil, but l experimented and found that the amount of oil used was equivalent to 1 teaspoon of oil per fritter, and an average cookie contains more fat than that! I have been teaching this recipe for over 30 years and my students’ just love it—so do I! Serve it as a side vegetable dish for dinner or as a new breakfast food. They are very easy to prepare.
- 1 12 ounce can vacuum packed corn
- ¾ cup milk, or more, if needed (see recipe)
- 1-teaspoon sugar
- 1 large egg, beaten
- 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- 1 Tablespoon baking powder
- ¾ teaspoon salt
- 1-cup corn or peanut oil
- Maple syrup
Preparation Instructions
- Drain the corn over a measuring cup. Gently press down on the corn to extract as much liquid as possible.
- Add enough milk to the corn liquid to measure 1 cup.
- Mix the sugar and egg with the milk mixture. Add the corn and set aside.
- Combine the flour, baking powder and salt in a 2 quart bowl. Add the corn-milk mixture to the bowl mixing just until ingredients are moistened.
- Heat 1 cup of oil in a 2-quart saucepan to 375F. Drop corn batter by heaping Tablespoon into the oil. Don’t fry more than 4 or 5 at a time.
- Using a slotted spoon, splash the top of the fritters with hot oil by making little waves in the oil. This will make the dough puff up on the top before you flip it over.
- When bottom is golden (about 2 minutes), flip fritters over and cook on the other side until done, about 1-2 minutes more. Remove with a slotted spoon to paper towels and drain.
- Serve with maple syrup.